field personnel training case study

Case Study: Reducing Operational Costs & Improving Outcomes for Field Personnel Training

Effective and efficient field personnel training is a crucial for our our client, a diversified power management company and global technology leader in electrical systems for power quality, distribution and control; hydraulics components, and vehicle systems.

Their team is spread across the United States. They wanted to innovate upon the traditional training methods and address the logistical challenges in field personnel training and conduct mandatory testing.

Outcomes of training were also desired to be improved.

The Solution

The client partnered with us to resolve the challenge and incorporate all the mandated tests required for Class 2 engineers.

The chosen business solution for field personnel training was to create a virtual environment with all the equipment necessary for these training scenarios. A short demo video on what this looks like can be accessed here.

This would allow for training to be conducted in a way where engineers could actually interact with the equipment instead of just viewing videos and very limited time with physical models.

We built all the Q&A modules, PPE modules and all the exercises for the testing.

Insights: All actions taken by the participants in the environment are trapped and registered in a database. This enables advanced analytics to examine and improve the training environment.

The outcome of the simulations is processed and then grading is completed instantaneously. Any gaps in training can be addressed immediately. Automatic reports are generated from the data gathered in this environment.


Technology Used

To improve accessibility, we built these field personnel training environments on both an Android device as well as a wearable – Oculus Quest 2.


Key Benefits

  • Much reduced logistical costs
  • Better training and testing outcomes
  • Analytics available for continuous improvement
  • Ability to easily expand the scope of training and testing


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